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Now that you have setup everything, lets get started using fastapi-login.

Login route

First we need to create a login route for our users.

from fastapi import Depends
from import OAuth2PasswordRequestForm

from fastapi_login.exceptions import InvalidCredentialsException"/login")
def login(data: OAuth2PasswordRequestForm = Depends()):
    email = data.username
    password = data.password

    user = query_user(email)
    if not user:
        # you can return any response or error of your choice
        raise InvalidCredentialsException
    elif password != user["password"]:
        raise InvalidCredentialsException

    return {"status": "Success"}


We use the same url("/login") we have used as the token_url argument, when initiating our LoginManager instance

Returning token

Now that we have created a login route, we want to return a token, which can than be used to access protected routes."/login")
def login(data: OAuth2PasswordRequestForm = Depends()):
    email = data.username
    password = data.password

    user = query_user(email)
    if not user:
        # you can return any response or error of your choice
        raise InvalidCredentialsException
    elif password != user["password"]:
        raise InvalidCredentialsException

    access_token = manager.create_access_token(data={"sub": email})
    return {"access_token": access_token}


LoginManager expects the parameter used in your LoginManager.user_loader function to be in the sub field of the token. This conforms the official specification of json web tokens.

Usage as a dependency

After the user has way to obtain an access_token, the LoginManager instance can be used as a dependency.

def protected_route(user=Depends(manager)):
    return {"user": user}


user in this case will be whatever the LoginManager.user_loader decorated function returns. In case user is None the LoginManager.not_authenticated_exception will be thrown, this results by default to fastapi_login.exceptions.InvalidCredentialsException. If a custom exception has been set by the user it will be raised instead.


By default the token is expected to be in the Authorization header value fo the request and of the following format:

Bearer <token>
If your token is sent as a cookie have a look at Advanced Usage

Returning None instead of raising an exception

In case that one wishes to handle the case of an unauthorized user, differently than returning an exception since version 1.9.0 it is possible to use the optional method:

def protected_route(user=Depends(manager.optional)):
    if user is None:
        # Do something ...
    return {"user": user}


This catches all exceptions that are raised while trying to authenticate a user. This might lead to cases where valid exception from e.g. the database or FastAPI are caught. If you aware of a solution that allows to catch custom exception that are subclasses of HTTPException or Exception, please let me know. See also #47 and #78 for more discussion on this topic.